破碎之心英文 、
《破碎之心 Heart Breaker》是一款角色扮演游戏,三个人出卖了自己的灵魂,为了报复魔王,为此他们必须收集别人的心脏来维持生命,探索宏伟的地下城,体验暗黑3般的 感觉!大量的装备和宝物等你来探索,游戏拥有宏大的装备系统,无尽的地下城等你来发现!消灭敌人,收集他们的心来补充自己!
新版变化 Version 1.6Added 'Extra Pack' ,can change player's gender and class!-extra_pack(In-App-Purchase, US$0.99)If you purchase it, you will be able to use the following functions:change of player's genderchange of player's classchange of player's nameFLOOR selection of starting explorationReplacement of items for sale(with payment of a specific sum of Gold)Version 1.5-Measures against crash of certain devices(probably, only in the case of Galaxy S4)